clarifying your message and Systematizing the way you share it will win more customers and unify your team.

clarifying your message and Systematizing the way you share it will win more customers and unify your team.

If you build it, they will come.

tell them about it

People decide to "buy or try" before ever experiencing your product or service. So, your message and the way you share it are the only two opportunities you have to bring someone in. How much is it costing you to have unclear messaging and inconsistent execution?

People decide to "buy or try" before experiencing your product or service. So, your message and the way you share it are the only two opportunities you have to bring someone in. How much is it costing you to have unclear messaging and inconsistent execution?

Workshops to
clarify your message

Coaching to
get it right.

Structure to
get it Out there.

How much is inconsistent marketing costing you?

Do you need a structured system for your team to execute and unify around?

Are you getting in front of the right people but not winning the sale?

Do you feel the pressure to come up with a new message for every campaign?

Do you get busy and put marketing on the back-burner? (until it's too late)

Do you experience creative burnout from constantly trying to be clever?

Have you wasted $$$ on ads that don't convert?

Let's talk

Do you constantly find yourself in need of a home-run marketing initiative?

So what is the solution?

Message & Distribution.

She needs you, but she has no idea who you are.

She Has a problem, but doesn't know about you.

Do you have systems to consistently and relentlessly distribute your message to the right people?

SHE Receives
your message.

Do you have a killer message that shows understanding and empathy? Do you cast a compelling vision of how you benefit their story?

SHE Understands and resonates.

That's it. That's the opportunity to encourage a sale. Your message, and how well you execute its distribution. So, let's nail it.

SHE Makes buy
or try decision.

Let's take a look at why this is the case by reviewing the customer's journey to a purchasing decision.

Your Opportunity


Ready to dive in?
Create a brand intended.

I can help.

We'll create a concise and compelling messaging structure that will serve as the basis of all copy on your website, emails flows, ads, social media, collateral, etc. 

Know what to say and how to say it.


Lay out how you distribute your message to pull people along from unaware of your brand all the way to referring friends and colleagues. Your team... unified.

visible & structured Marketing Strategy

enjoy a

With a clear message that converts and a structure to follow, you'll be able to systematize much of your marketing, allowing your team to execute freely within boundaries.

execute with

free your team to

Revenue and contribution aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, making a difference in the lives of your customers beyond your product will likely increase your revenue. They'll be your biggest evangelists!

Come to work more motivated than ever and increase your impact.

all of this, plus

Effective messaging, clear structure and consistent execution create incredible results. These people worked very, very hard to achieve what they have. If you want to have similar results, you'll have to do the same.

It works.

Let's talk

Are you ready to
take the next step?

Unify your team around a common purpose, strategy and message.

Clarify your message to connect with the right people for your business.

Spend creative energy on the bigger things, not daily posts & responses.

Systematize your marketing so the important things happen each week.

Share a consistent & portable message others will share.

Increase the performance of your ad spend with a clear message.

Let's talk

Win the long game with consistent, relentless execution.

Our lives and businesses are about more than just the numbers, they're about people. I started A Brand Intended to help businesses that care about both Impact and Profit to increase both, so that together, we can make the impact we were actually meant to.

Get in touch

The attention of the consumer is constantly shifting, and the tactics to reach them have to shift as well. It used to be print ads, mailers, email marketing, forums, blogs, affiliates, and banner ads... now it's push notifications, facebook ads, influencers, personalized messaging flows and live video. The best tactic of today will flop tomorrow. 

But no matter how current you are with the tactic, the variable of conversion will always be one thing: Your Message. If you have a killer message, and you share it relentlessly, you will win out over time.

Why you exist, the beliefs you live by, the outcome you provide for your customers... this is your message. This is what attracts customers.

The Philosophy

Why A Brand Intended?